Friday, February 15, 2008

[**OLD POST** Re-posted because you guys contributed!]

Question 1 on Disciple-ship (IMPACT COURSE) – synopsis John C. Howard
You were asked the following: "As a Christian, what is one thing you can personally improve on to better serve others, and do the True CHRIST-WALK."

I received a plethora of answers and am compelled to know the different struggles that we all face. I sincerely and whole-heartedly believe that we need to keep each other accountable and lift each other up during our weakness. That is why Christ never denied, but rather encouraged accountability (JAMES 5:16 – Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.). Below I will address the different issues that you guys/girls face, and maybe give us all a better answer to what we need to discover in ourselves. Do remember though; that we all must make these changes, as our God gives us free will. However, we must fully give our lives over to Him in order for these changes to take place through Him.

Reading the Word: I saw quite a few people mention about reading God's Word on a more consistent basis. It's the life of God (JOHN 1:1 – In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.). Delve into the Word and allow it to give you the full view of what those before you have seen, and every one of the scriptures can open up a new view on how Christ wants to work in You.

Remaining Steadfast and Strong: I know this has always been a consistent need, in my life especially. You feel as though you have to remain Strong in order to lead, or to nurture some kind of gift to yourself or someone around you. What is so amazing is that God's Strength is made PERFECT in our weakness. Just allow God to take over your life, and you will find your strength and consistency in Him.

Self Condemnation for Lack of Progress: It seems like every time we mess up we want to beat ourselves up about it, or feel like we have to completely start over with Christ. That isn't true, nor does God want us to live in a life of Condemnation (ROM 8:1 – There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.). Walk in God's spirit, and don't let those in the Flesh, nor yourselves live defeated.
Faith and Trust in Him: For lack of Faith and Trust, is why we consistently don't see consistency in our lives and spiritual growth in the first place. If we really Trusted in Christ, and believed or had Faith in what He teaches, we would put just as much effort into serving, making disciples, and growing in Him as we would anything else. This isn't to discourage you though, but to empower you to go out and begin to change yours and other's lives. We are given certain personalities for a reason, and that just makes it that much more rewarding to completely give over to God and see what He is going to do through us (HEBREWS 11:6 – But without Faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.).

Sluggish or Laziness: I believe every one of us can attest to this one; to come up with an idea, or get excited about something, only to turn around after the excitement is gone, and realize too much time has gone by to actually start – or sometimes finish the task at hand. This could be as simple as spending time with God or cleaning your room (can I get an Amen? Haha.) To starting a business, or finishing school. We must consistently keep ourselves accountable with others in order to do some of these Worldly tasks, but when it comes to our communion with Christ, we must Want it. He is a jealous God, and wants us to consistently seek after His face. It's not a chore, nor should it ever feel like one. It's a process of amazing growth and a life not attainable through anything you could ever do. Don't let that give you a reason for "slacking" in your other daily tasks, because God wants consistency in everything you do, as if it was done to the Lord Himself (1 COR 10:31 – Whether therefore, ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.).

Witnessing, "Shining the Light": This is something we are all called to do, whether its on a small or large basis, it's still up to us to take on. It's not a duty though, its an amazing gift and second or third or millionth chance that we are now able to share with our friends, family, or complete stranger. The biggest thing with this, especially in today's society, it not to skew or change the Gospel, but just be "Real" with people. Don't shove the Gospel(belief that Jesus was the Son of God, died for our sins, and gave us advocation with the Father) down people's throats. Just be real, and allow God to work through you. People are struggling in this world to find something, and we just aren't giving it to them. We all can just be ourselves, live holy lives, live Real and Engaging lives, and God will give us what to say and do. Don't compromise your Faith or Belief in Him to help someone understand, EVER. Don't expect to be able to relate to everyone either, but don't let that be a deterrent from trying. Remember sometimes, your just a seed planter, or sometimes you're the Harvester (1 CHRONICLES 3:6 – I have planted, Apollos Watered; But God gave the increase.).

Showing Patience and/or in LOVE: I decided to combine these for both lack of extended text, but also because they can be intertwined, and are both needed to coexist to be of Good Fruit in Christ. Too many times our lack of Patience in what we are doing, leads us to miss out on God's true intentions, or on what drove us towards that goal in the first place. Sometimes it takes just "waiting on the Lord"; as that in itself will drive us toward the answer. LOVE is what God exemplifies in everything He does, and without it, we are nothing. We can't back up anything Christ has done in our lives, nor spread it to others, if we can't show love to even our enemies (1 CORINTHIANS 13:1 – Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.).

CONCLUSION – All these things we need to work on, and work towards encouraging each other in. This is obviously not a BRIEF SYNOPSIS (by any means haha) but hopefully a better direction in which to drive ourselves to. I hope you each took time to read this, as quite a few of you contributed to the thoughts that guided it. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up on IM on AOL @ FREEOSIN.

Now – Further Engage your Mind and go answer question 2 which is now posted on my blog.

John C. Howard

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