Wednesday, December 19, 2007

_____mas - Insert CHRIST here.

I am astounded at the fact that we actually got on the radio today. Of course most big bands and other bands around the area have already achieved this sense of greatness, but we actually came up with a whole Christmas themed set just for this appearance. It was, to say the least, a magnificent last 48 hours, from writing the songs to performing to waking up at 5a.m. just to travel to the far away land of Peachtree City, arriving at the J93.3 studios. It was alot of fun and an experience i will never forget. We sat in the same studios as the Greats, point of grace, third day, john howard.. oh wait.. thats me haha. Anyways the real point of this, is that we were looking to write a Christmas song that me jamie and mike could collaborate on and i started writing this. They loved it and jamie came up with the melody and mike followed with a "healing" baseline (inside joke if you were listening to the webcast...).

Here it is:

_____mas - Insert CHRIST here.

Hello we're out here and we're listening, To hear the shout or cry of our newborn king.

Whose feet and hands will heal the most broken smile,whose speech will mend the heart's will to reconcile.

Who will wait here now on Christmas day..

All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King
All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King

Come with me into bethlehem an ancient story of the hearts that were willing Who will wait here now on Christmas day..
Whose feet and hands will heal the most broken smile,whose speech will mend the heart's will to reconcile.

All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King
All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King

I like it, maybe even enough for us to record it.. haha. We'll let you know. Sixty Second Track is still alive, but greater and more importantly.. Our Christ is Alive.

In Christ


Monday, December 3, 2007

Tis so sweet.. trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His word. It does say "Tis so sweet" not.. Tis so easy. I guess I really comprehend why so many people are doubting God right now. I'm not saying it's ok or I'm providing justification for our faithless generation, but I understand how easy it is to be weak an so un-rooted in our Faith. We base God's Glory, Mercy and Understanding (towards us) by the circumstance in front of us. How can we expect God to do amazing things for us when we speak doubtful and faithless prayer? This of course doesn't mean that He won't do great things for us because He is a loving an amazing God. There is the dilemma.. where is our Desperation anymore? True desperation is void of circumstance and emotionally-driven thoughts. True Desperation is when we are so consumed and passionate for God that we do whatever and sacrifice whatever it takes to get closer to Him. We must be proactive in our thoughts and in our daily speech. We must speak the Good things of God on a consistent basis and actually try to somewhat grasp them. Aren't you tired of living in Religious Mediocrity that promotes a far-away God with no chance of having an Intimate relationship? God desires a deep and growing relationship with His people (and contrary to our populare sub-concious belief), a one on one relationship with every one of us. We must be expectant to fail and to ONLY rest ourselves in the arms of Jesus. We cannot expect to help God along or carry the burdens that God has already taken to the cross. This doesn't give us a reason to pull away from self-awareness and prayer, but to further submerse ourselves in the Blood of Christ. We need God. We must come to that realization far above any other of our consuming thoughts. We cannot do this alone and like I always say.. that Is the Point. When Christ was here on this earth He wanted us to know the reality of His love and mercy beyond the measure and realm of our natural minds. That is what makes our God such an amazing help in time of trouble (thanks pastor neal). He is our strength when we are weak, our sail in the storm, our breath in the time of drowning, our tears in the time of hurt, and our beat in the time of heartache. We serve an amazing God that wants such an intricately simple relationship with each and every one of us.

He wants You.

In our Wonderful and REAL Christ,


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What was said... to make our Heart Unfold.

"And what was said to the rose to make it unfold, Was said to me, here in my
chest. So be quiet now, and rest. So be quiet now, and rest. Majesty!Finally!"
-David Crowder Band.

Just sitting here in Awe of what God has done(more on that later). Last night I was at church and across the speakers I heard the voice of our evangelist calling us to corporate label change. What?! A chance to change the stars of what we feel we had been labeled as.. sounds pretty far-fetched haha. Not really, I have actually felt this way as of late and have kept it a little bottled in. We tend to do that to ourselves when we feel most at ease with the freedom we have been given through Christ. Many times i'll catch myself laying back into a "who cares what people think" spirit just because of the fact that I can get more things done that way without the conflict and intervention of other people's desires, .. since I believe most of the time I am correct. That leaves you pretty empty handed and shot when you get to a point that you need that affirmation or good word into your life. You get so relient on just your walk and ministry in God that you tend to leave the good thoughts and influences of others out. Its like curious george on steroids - just less king-kong like and less man in the yellow hat-like haha. (random thought just so I could throw you off and keep you awake). Anyways I just know that we all need affirmation spoken into our lives from time to time and because of pride or "leadership" we tend to push it aside. God wants to speak into your life through all of this and have your heart to wake up! What good are we if our ministries are not effective or dependent solely on the mindset and heart of one believer? Yes, they still do have their effectiveness to some extent, but let people come in! Give opportunities to those that need them and desire them.

I was praying last night that I especially would drop the self-reliance and release blessings into anyone who comes along that desires to do His will. Who am I to stop, or judge, or hold back anyone? Haha im not actually all that upset about this, or sitting on a pedistal. I just think if we sit back and realize how many people are looking for something to do for Him and just might not know where to find it. Be that leader, step up, listen to God, offer opportunity.

"What was spoken to the flower to make it unfold, was also spoken to my heart."

God is in control my friends, and its beautiful.(low rumble, manly kind of way haha.)

In OUR Father,
