Wednesday, December 19, 2007

_____mas - Insert CHRIST here.

I am astounded at the fact that we actually got on the radio today. Of course most big bands and other bands around the area have already achieved this sense of greatness, but we actually came up with a whole Christmas themed set just for this appearance. It was, to say the least, a magnificent last 48 hours, from writing the songs to performing to waking up at 5a.m. just to travel to the far away land of Peachtree City, arriving at the J93.3 studios. It was alot of fun and an experience i will never forget. We sat in the same studios as the Greats, point of grace, third day, john howard.. oh wait.. thats me haha. Anyways the real point of this, is that we were looking to write a Christmas song that me jamie and mike could collaborate on and i started writing this. They loved it and jamie came up with the melody and mike followed with a "healing" baseline (inside joke if you were listening to the webcast...).

Here it is:

_____mas - Insert CHRIST here.

Hello we're out here and we're listening, To hear the shout or cry of our newborn king.

Whose feet and hands will heal the most broken smile,whose speech will mend the heart's will to reconcile.

Who will wait here now on Christmas day..

All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King
All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King

Come with me into bethlehem an ancient story of the hearts that were willing Who will wait here now on Christmas day..
Whose feet and hands will heal the most broken smile,whose speech will mend the heart's will to reconcile.

All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King
All will shout it, all will sing, that Christmas now misses it's King

I like it, maybe even enough for us to record it.. haha. We'll let you know. Sixty Second Track is still alive, but greater and more importantly.. Our Christ is Alive.

In Christ


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