Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just some randomness that I call life :)

For once I am going to just pour myself out and let you guys and gals in on a little secret. I am a severe dreamer and excel in the aspiration of having too many aspirations. Haha. Currently it is 1:29 a.m. and I am sitting up on the web cam, talking to my bro about different things going on and just having some fun. God is ridiculously amazing to me and just keeps on blessing me with new ideas and ways to blow up this world with His love. The real question is... why do I keep piling more on? I do it because it keeps my brain so alive and stimulated and it leaves my mind with no room for the thought of success or failure; I just DO. Below are a few things I have really been up to lately.

I am currently working out at the gym at least 4 days a week. Running a mile (at least) doing some crunches that were obviously built for the actors in 300... no lie, these things are hard. Killing it with my buddy Destin on the weights and drinking about 2 bottles of water in each session, only to leave the gym (fitness19 Woodstock) with the same body and vision of success day after day haha. Being healthy though, makes it all worth it. I highly encourage this since I am only paying $13 a month.

Trying to re-establish a collapsed dream of independent wealth; Astounded Design. My brother and I have been going at this business for a good 3 years with no success. It's not our work that prevents the phone calls and emails coming in... it's our work ethic. Haha, we like to work on our own time. I'm sure if we buckled down we could have this business down to methodical perfection. People love our work and we get paid well. So why not do it full-time? Yeah, we ask ourselves this weekly haha.

Project Inflow. Man this is where my heart is. Week after week Dusty and I meet and share dreams to our fellow friends and new-comers about how amazing Christ is. We try to push the envelope of vision and scope of His goodness to a point that is almost surreal. It gets me excited just thinking about the beauty that surrounds our group and how much growth (spiritually) I have personally seen in these quick 11 months. It stuns me to know that God would choose some random guys from Acworth, Georgia (there is my shout out haha) to lead such a great group of guys and girls to the cross.

My girlfriend. Man she has shown me some great things. How God can take two people from various regions and spectrum's of life and bring them so meticulously close together. God knows what He is doing even when we try and shut Him out and pick our own paths. One day I hope to make her my wife... and guys... be jealous. She is the ultimate pick :) Never thought I would find a girl with the qualities that she has and on top of that, love God with a fervency that rivals and sometimes surpasses my own.

My friends. Man am I a friend type of guy or what? Haha. I am always doing something with someone or hanging out somewhere or just calling/texting one of these guys and girls. I couldn't ask for better friends or Christian brothers/sisters to surround myself with. At any moment I believe that one of these would take a bullet for me, as I would do the same. For those getting married soon... I highly suggest you evaluate where you and your friends stand. Marriage doesn't equal the end of this phase in your life. God intended for us to have such close relationships that our very hearts plunge into mourning when they mourn, laughter when they laugh, and that are joined at arms length when it is time to stand for God.

God is doing so much in my life and providing me with such astounding opportunity that I can't help but spread the name of Christ. Whether that be face to face, in a blog or just at passing glance with someone that is a fellow or non-believer. God expects this of us. Quoting my pastor "I live a life without options". Once you take this on, don't turn back. Give everything you have to God, and then some. He went to the cross and gave it all up that we might live a life; richer, fuller and more exuberant life than we could ever imagine.

"If we insist on keeping Hell (or even earth) we shall not see Heaven: If we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell." - C.S. Lewis (The Great Divorce)
